
The 妇女联盟 is first 和 foremost a collaborative effort between an array of groups 和 organizations at DU that center the needs 和 goals of women in their mission 和 values. Through our partnerships we aim to foster an inclusive, safe 和 授权ing environment at DU 和 beyond. From undergraduate 和 graduate student leaders to staff councils 和 affinity-based organizations, the 妇女联盟 is made stronger by diversity 和 a broad range of perspectives.


The 妇女联盟 works directly with these groups to support the DU experience for women.

  • 妇女领导委员会(WLC)

    The Women’s Leadership Council includes members of the DU community serving on the Deans’ Council, 在教务长办公室, 和 in executive roles at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口. This group seeks to use its unique influence to:

    • engage the campus 和 its leadership on strategic issues relating to women;
    • advocate for women’s opportunities 和 issues across campus; 和,
    • build relationships on 和 off campus to foster mentorship 和 professional 发展 for women at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口.

    了解更多信息, 联系WLC联合主席:Kathy Aliaga, Assistant Dean of Finance 和 Operations at Katherine.Aliaga@szailixun.com or 谢丽尔 Miller, Associate Dean 和 Chief Operating Officer, at 谢丽尔.Miller@szailixun.com or 塔米 Schneider, Assistant Dean for Business 和 Operations, at 塔米.Schneider@szailixun.com.

  • Women's 工作人员 Alliance for Networking 和 Development (WAND)

    WAND is committed to helping staff women at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口 achieve their highest potential as employees by means of advocacy, 教育, 发展, 网络和领导力. WAND provides a safe forum for discussing concerns 和 ideas while supporting the mission of the university.

    WAND is a resource for advocacy, 教育, 发展 和 leadership.

    We distribute information regarding issues important to staff women, 包括工作场所的公平, 照顾, 弹性工作时间, 专业发展和骚扰.

    We focus on issues, projects 和 professional 发展 for DU staff women. 例子包括但不限于:

    • effective mentoring (being a mentor 和/or a mentee)
    • how to receive fair compensation 和 recognition for our work;
    • increasing effective communication at DU; 和
    • creating avenues for professional 发展 和 leadership training for DU staff women.

    了解更多信息, please contact us at inclusion@szailixun.com

  • Association of Sisters in Higher Education (ASHE)

    ASHE的使命是支持, 授权, 和 mentor Black women at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口 by honoring who we are through cultural fellowship, 丰富和交流思想. The group is not exclusive to black women; therefore we value 和 welcome all women faculty 和 staff at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口. 然而, 小组讨论的核心焦点, activities 和 initiatives will be issues that are germane to black women.

    • ASHE will offer support to groups on campus that support 和 illuminate the experiences of Blacks 和 other people of color.
    • ASHE will galvanize the scholarship of Black women faculty, staff 和 graduate students through encouragement of collaborative research initiatives, awareness of scholarly conferences 和 grants, 财政支持.
    • ASHE will engage in meaningful partnerships aimed at strengthening collaborations with the Denver black community.

    了解更多信息, contact Yasmaine Ford at yford@szailixun.com 或纳特利·法里斯 Natley.Farris@szailixun.com.

  • Sistah网络

    Sistah网络 is committed to helping Black women who are graduate students at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口 contend with the pervasive challenges they face related to graduate student socialization 和 academic persistence. Examples of community 发展 include two meetings per quarter, 每季写作工作坊, 教员和资源联系, 以及辩护实践.

    联络人:安西娅 Johnson Rooen, 安西娅.Johnson@szailixun.com

  • 您的拉丁裔

    您的拉丁裔 is committed to supporting faculty 和 graduate students who identify as Latina at the 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口.

    联络人:Deb Ortega, 黛博拉.Ortega@szailixun.com 玛丽亚·萨拉查, 玛丽亚(女名).Salazar@szailixun.com

  • 女教职员协会

    The Women’s 教师 Association is currently not running.  If you are interested in helping re-start this group, please reach out to us at inclusion@szailixun.com


  • STEM女教师协会(SWFA)

    An organization focused on improving equity for women faculty in STEM. 博士联系. Anna Sher为您报道更多信息.sher@szailixun.com. 


The 妇女联盟 also regularly collaborates with other groups on campus that do not fall under our organizational umbrella.